Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Gotta getta.....LIFE?

237 or so days until camp 2011. I gotta getta life. I mean I understand the concept of work, family and friends but motivation has eluded me. I have been dabbling in retail for the past two months but have 0 prospects for teaching. I guess I am waiting for an art teacher or art teaching job to arrive by email. I can hear it now "You've got TALENT"

How does one stay motivated in this crazy world. We try to stay positive and active to show our children that we can be good roll models. However, sometimes you need to stop and regroup. One needs to figure out what it is that makes us happy. The leaves are changing, the weather is warm and time is rolling forward. But we live day to day and never stop to think about what it means. One life, one meaning..truly this can't be it.

I still want to do something creative, artistic with children. I love what I do at camp can't that translate that into something that makes money.....

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 26, 2010

Although the month is not yet over, I am looking back on the month of October. Five years ago sis Debby and I decided to start walking for a cure for Breast Cancer, using Avon as our forum. At that time, finding a cure for Breast Cancer was going to be a very long walk. There was only hope and a lot of research done to find a cure. Now five years later, it is not IF we are going to find the cure but WHEN. This will happen in my childrens', and maybe even in my lifetime. There will be a cure, a vacination an end to Breast Cancer.

So this entry of my journal is to celebrate this fact (and Na's Girls raising over 12,000) along with being able to eat marshmallow peeps and candy corn. Oh yes, to embrace my friendship and love for my sister Debby. Together we walk, talk and make knishes to celebrate our mother Naomi for all she was. (Sherry is with us also but we do the walking LOL)

Love and thanks to all who care

Monday, October 25, 2010

I'm Back and its been too long!

Since I am semi-unemployed like a great deal of the United States.. I decided to resume my blog...That of a "Mod" Housewife. I think I will add my art journaling and artistic endeavors into the blog this time. If you out there have other things you wish to discuss or have me talk about just chime on the blogsight and I'll incorporate it. For now short and sweet until I decide what comes next. Good to be back P.S. I promise to keep my farmvilling out of the blog entirely, as I don't want to lose any of my readers.