Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Getting the right fit.- clothing that is

Getting the right fit in fashion is not quantified by the number of wardrobe or the number of accessories an individual has. But, it is the total outlook of what you project as an individual.

We can't simply afford to ignore appearance. Unfortunately, no one ever became totally poised overnight. Its something we have to work on and the reward is worth every effort.

Right Fit means poise. It means personality and manners combined. It is a combination of good desirable qualities. It's amazing that you know instantly when someone has it. But what is it that they have? It's not that they have more or they have less clothes. It's not that they are so beautiful or ugly. But the way they present themselves that make them to have outstanding personality.

While outstanding personality is not just the result of clothing, it is how it is how your clothing is presented in relation your good image as a whole. The most noticeable is good grooming, good manners, good health, friendliness, self confidence, versatility, humor, and attitude. If you have all of these, you are one hell of a perfect human being.

For total fashion image

How we look and project ourselves have a lot to do with the way others see us. No matter how expert we are at articulating our clothing and intentions, still we end-up in chaos when our clothes sends a message contrary to our intent.

The ultimate rule is appropriateness. If everyone is going to a meeting in their business clothing wear the same. Do not show up in your leggings or slouchy jeans. That's not being chic. It is terribly awkward as if you misinterpreted the occasion. It like going to a children's party in a funeral outfit. On the other hand, if we everyone is going out to have fun, leave the stuffed shirts and LL. Bean catalogue get up at home and put on something a little more exciting.

Make sure you maintain consistency. Whatever style you project should not confuse those around you with the clothing message you are sending. You can be very haute in one day and the total opposite on the other day. (research done by on the job training and internet information)

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