Monday, October 19, 2009

What IS Contemporary Art

I select contemporary art instead of Modern art, as I choose to create things in the span of my lifetime, instead of Modern Art, which ranges from the Impressionists period (say, around 1880) up until the 1960's or 70's.

Contemporary just means "art that has been and continues to be created during our lifetimes". In other words, contemporary to us.

But in the year 2010 going forward, does using recycled objects as a medium to create art mean that it is more contemporary, than just art that is created now using more traditional mediums. What does it mean to be a contemporary artist in an era where our natural resources are being compromised, and where nature gives us the ultimate one, two punch by throwing Noreasters, hurricanes and earthquakes, and tsunami at us.

Is the medium we use to determine "contemporary" art determined by these factors. Do we use newspapers, bottle caps, bottle tabs, washed up trees and old cardboard in our current art in order to save these items from ending up in a land fill, or from being crushed like they do to conserve space when recycling old cars.

Using electric cars saves fuel and helps the environment, but does recycling random other objects into contemporary art help our environment?, or is it just a rouse to be looked at as a quasi conservationist, or just to be popular and part of the "it" movement of faking it as an artist by trying save the planet one soda can at a time.....

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